Annual Halloween Window Painting assignments and instructions
Saturday, Oct. 24 and Sunday Oct. 25, 8 a.m.-2 p.m.
- Arrive at the Library check-ins at your sign-up time on your assigned day. You will only be allowed to paint on your assigned day. No exceptions. The parent supervising must be present at check-in. Painting must be completed by 2 pm. Assigned times based on Last Names. See below for times.
- 7:50-8:am— A-D & Le-O
- 8am-8:15am—E-H & P-S
- 8:15-8:30 –– I-La & S-Z.
- You may come anytime after 8:30 am to pick up.
- During check-in you will receive your original artwork, paint, paintbrush, disposable drop cloth, mask and T-shirt to wear while painting. Supply bags will be in bundles, spread 6 feet apart. The volunteer in charge will give you your artwork/T-shirt. Mask up, back up, please.
- After completion of your window, please dispose of all materials. You do not need to come back to the check in.
- A parent chaperone needs to be present during the entire painting process.
- Look for the orange or green tag in the corner of the window with your name. Orange is Saturday. Green is Sunday.
- STOP – Please look at your assigned window for cracks or defects … contact one of the committee members ASAP if your window is damaged.
- REQUIRED: DROP CLOTH must be used to cover the bottom of the window & sidewalk. You can use the painting tape on the window to attach it.
- REQUIRED: MASK UP. Maintain 6- foot social distance. NO EXTRA PEOPLE – Only the painter and the chaperone will be allowed. We cannot allow groups of people to congregate in order maintain safe social distancing. If big groups form at any window, they will be asked to disburse by the committee or by business owners. Thank you for doing your part to make sure the event happens without incident. Let’s make it a fantastic day for everyone!
- Your window has been marked off with blue tape – DO NOT PAINT OUTSIDE OF THE TAPE.
- Please do not enter the merchant store for use of water or to clean brushes.
- Stay clear of business entrances if at all possible. Please move for anyone entering or exiting.
- Only use the paint provided! NO glitter! Paint will be removed immediately so as to not damage the window.
- Paint will crack if put on too thick. If paint is thick – add water.
- If you spill paint on the sidewalk or stain the window sill, please clean it up immediately!
- After completing your window, please remove the blue tape and the orange/green name tag from the window. Also move any flower containers/furniture back if you have moved them. Clean up any paint spills.
- Please clean your area when you are finished. Take trash with you. Enjoy your day!
- Smaller/Larger Paint Brushes
- Garbage Bag
- Dry Erase Markers
- Step-ladder/stool
- Paper Plate/Bowls for Paint
- Paper Towels
- Water/Plastic Cups
- Tape for dropcloth
NOTE: Hudson PTO will not be held responsible for any injuries or illnesses that occur due to the failure to follow the above rules & instructions; also, you will be held accountable for any damages caused by not following the above instructions.
Email any questions to Sara Lerner.