East Woods Right to Read Week Student Activities, April 1-5
Hudson PTO is pleased to announce East Woods Right to Read Week April 1-5, 2019. New York Times Best-Selling Author Chris Grabenstein will be visiting the school on April 4 and 5. Fun and exciting activities have been planned for the entire week.
MONDAY – Celebrate the GRAND OPENING of Mr. Lemoncello’s Library with a HAT and CRAZY SOCKS to KICK OFF the week. It’s the TOP of the week, so wear a HAT to school – own one, decorate one, make one – it’s your choice… Mr. Lemoncello style! Dress FUNTASTICALY from TOP to BOTTOM with crazy socks too!
TUESDAY – Teamwork Makes the Dream Work! Sports, clubs, school, community, family – wear something that represents a team you are on or one that you root for! Or create your own team and dress alike – as a class, or with a friend or two (or three or more)!
WEDNESDAY – Camo Day! Everybody loves a good Scavenger Hunt… Wear your camouflage (or anything green, brown or black) to blend in to your surroundings as you begin to work on your Riddle Worksheet.
THURSDAY – Author Visit Day!! You won’t be Bored at School Today – Mr. Lemoncello loves his board games and extravagant outfits… Don’t worry about matching your clothes today! Or dress like your favorite character in the book (or any book – there are so many in the library to choose from)!
FRIDAY – Author Visit Day – Library Sleepover and Board Games! Wear pajamas and bring your favorite board game to school to play with your class. PTO will provide Luigi’s Ice Pops (on the Safe Snack List) at lunchtime.
THURSDAY AND FRIDAY – On Site Book Sale – $6.25 for all paperbacks! Chance to meet the author and have your book signed. All PREORDER books delivered.