Our annual membership drive is one of our biggest fundraising events, allowing PTO to support new and existing programs at each of our schools. The cost of a family membership is $20 and covers all students attending the HCSD.
East Woods Intermediate School’s 2020-21 PTO FundraiserMonday, October 12 – Friday, October 23 As much as East Woods Intermediate would LOVE your pennies this year, we’ve decided to move things to an online, COVID-friendly, more sanitary option for our fall fundraiser. All of your donations will support the multitude of amazing PTO events coming your way: Teacher Conference Dinners, Right to Read Week, Hoedown, Teacher Grants, and a brand new event: the East Woods Drive-In …
EVAMERE ELEMENTARY PTO PRESENTS OUR 2020 FALL FUNDRAISER! WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15 (BLUE) AND THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 (WHITE)During the school day at Evamere Elementary Students will walk around the school as a class for 30 minutes at a set time during the day. Virtual Learners please walk for 30 minutes around your neighborhood. We would love for you to post pictures to Twitter with #VLWalkathonEvamere hashtag. We are asking for a $20 in donation, but any …
Purchase a Waterway Carwash coupon and support the Hudson High School PTO! For $20, you can buy a full-service carwash coupon.
The Hudson City School District and RDP Sports have teamed up to offer great spirit wear, with merchandise available through our online Hudson Spirit Store. Proceeds from all sales will benefit the Hudson PTO. Order now through Sept. 27.