Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week will take place May 2-6. For the love the staff shows and all that they do, the East Woods Intermediate PTO has planned the following events to say thank you!
East Woods PTO presents Bad Guys, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Hotel Transylvania 4-at Drive-In Movie Night. $30 per car, includes permit to bring your own food and non-alcoholic drinks.
Each student’s class will have a time scheduled during the school day to visit and shop for books. All books are $.50 each!
The PTO and East Woods Intermediate are collecting used books through April 15 for their annual used book sale.
Students have a chance to buy four different Gordon Korman books at their schools this Tuesday or Wednesday.
Catch Gordon Korman on Tuesday and Tammi Sauer on Wednesday.
Buy your tickets now for the 65th Annual Hudson PTO Pancake Breakfast, plus view the entertainment schedule and raffle package descriptions.
Has a teacher made a difference in your child’s life this year? Has a school employee, secretary, custodian, or aide gone out of his or her way to help? We want to hear about it and recognize these amazing members of our school community!
Thank you to all who are participating in the 55th Annual PTO Halloween Window Painting Event! Check here for window painting assignments, instructions and rules.
Saddle up and ride on over for a Hoedown! The Father & Daughter Dance is October 22, and the Mother & Son Dance is October 23.