Showing 21-30 of 58 results

Hudson PTO Rewards Programs updates

BOX TOPS: Help us keep Box Tops revenue to support programming in our schools!  No need to clip, you can scan grocery receipts as shown here.   AMAZON:  If you’ve linked the AmazonSmile program to your Amazon Mobile App, make sure to renew your charity choice to continue supporting the PTO.    HEINEN’S:  You can support PTO by re-registering your Heinen’s Tasteful Rewards card at the Heinen’s Customer Service desk or by re-registering online.  

Hudson PTO happenings

Here's a look at what Hudson PTO has been up to the last few weeks: Tower Garden at East Woods Through the Hudson PTO's Fall 2020 grant program, we fulfilled a request from 3rd grade teachers Emily Wanders and Bethany Hipps for a Tower Garden for their classroom. Students have been growing lettuce, and they harvested and ate salads during their classroom Valentine's Day party. Snuggle Up and Read Evamere's annual Snuggle Up and Read …

Annual Halloween Window Painting assignments and instructions

Saturday, Oct. 24 and Sunday Oct. 25, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. WINDOW ASSIGNMENTS (PDF)  CHECK-IN Arrive at the Library check-ins at your sign-up time on your assigned day. You will only be allowed to paint on  your assigned day. No exceptions. The parent supervising must be present at check-in. Painting must be completed by 2 pm. Assigned times based on Last Names. See below for times.  TIMES: 7:50-8:am— A-D & Le-O 8am-8:15am—E-H & P-S 8:15-8:30 –– …

Changes to Box Tops program

You might have heard that big changes have come to Box Tops. You can still clip any Box Tops that you find that have not expired and send them to your child’s classroom. However, because Box Tops are going full-time high-tech, you will have to scan your receipts within 14 days if you purchase newly-labeled eligible products, and then upload the receipts into the Box Tops app. Follow the link here for all the info: …