Showing 51-59 of 59 results
Looking for Hudson Spirit Wear for the holidays? If you are looking for Hudson spirit wear for your children, the Hudson City School District and RDP Sports have teamed up to offer you some great spirit wear through our online Hudson Spirit Store. Proceeds from the holiday sales will benefit the Hudson PTO. Help spread the word! Visit to start shopping. The sale ends Nov. 27. Wear your Explorer Spirit with pride! For more information please …
Lasso your partner and mosey down to the 3rd Grade Hoedowns. Cost: $25.00 per couple and include games, catered meal, fun western props and more! To volunteer for either event: CLICK HERE For more information regarding the event, or to volunteer, please contact Shannon Paolucci. Online Registration formClick on pic to complete online registration Paper Hoedown Registration FormPrint, complete and return to McDowell
PTO has something brewing for K-4th graders….. All students in the K-4th grades are invited to register and purchase a carving pumpkin at between September 27-October 9, for $10. Pick up of your 12-15lb pumpkin will be Friday, October 19, from 5:00-7:00 PM at East Woods Commons. Take your pumpkin home to carve and return it to the green at First and Main to be displayed on Sunday, October 21, between 11:00-4:00pm. They will …
Please contact Beth Bhatia at with questions. To donate-contribute online please complete the below form.
The Hudson PTO invites you to join the hundreds of families that have enrolled in the Birthday Book Club. It is a wonderful way to encourage your child's love of reading and a nice way to recognize his or her birthday at school. We invite you to join the Birthday Book Club now to allow your child and other students to enjoy the book for the rest of the school year and for many years to come! Enrollment in the club costs only $20 per child ($15 for PTO …
Wear your Explorer Spirit with pride! If you are looking for Hudson spirit wear for your children (child), the Hudson City School District and RPD Sports have teamed up to offer you some great spirit wear through our online Hudson Spirit Store. Proceeds from the sales will benefit the Hudson PTO. Help spread the word! CLICK HERE TO PLACE YOUR ORDER! ORDER DEADLINE: AUGUST 31st
Don’t forget to visit our PTO table at your school’s open house (see dates below). Stop by to fill out your PTO Membership Form (both online and paper options available) and keep an eye out for important information regarding other PTO beginning of the year events: HMS PTO Supply Sale (during registration) – LOCATION – HMS Media Center 6th grade – Wednesday, August 8, noon-3:00pm or 5:00-7:00pm 7th & 8th grade – Thursday, August 9, noon-3:00pm …
We are now accepting PTO Memberships for the 2018-2019 school year. Just click on the link, as this offer applies to online registration only. Our annual membership drive is one of our biggest fundraising events, allowing PTO to support new and existing programs at each of our schools. The cost of a family membership is $20.00 and covers all students attending the HCSD. Membership Forms, complete with payment, are accepted throughout the entire school year. …
Please support Hudson PTO by doing your holiday shopping this year. It is really simple! When shopping on click this link first…. Then shop as usual! (Or, go to, click on the Amazon Button at the top of the page, and shop as usual). It’s that easy – the same prices you would always pay on Amazon, but by using this link, Amazon donates a percentage of each sale to Hudson PTO. Any …