Showing 51-60 of 86 results

East Woods Penny Wars

The four Houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. While you are at East Woods, your pennies, dollars, and checks will earn your House points, while any nickels, dimes, and quarters placed in your container by other
students will lose House points. At the end of
the week, the House with the most points is awarded the House Cup and exciting prizes.

Hudson PTO Rewards Programs updates

BOX TOPS: Help us keep Box Tops revenue to support programming in our schools!  No need to clip, you can scan grocery receipts as shown here.   AMAZON:  If you’ve linked the AmazonSmile program to your Amazon Mobile App, make sure to renew your charity choice to continue supporting the PTO.    HEINEN’S:  You can support PTO by re-registering your Heinen’s Tasteful Rewards card at the Heinen’s Customer Service desk or by re-registering online.