East Woods Penny Wars PTO Fundraiser: Sept. 30-Oct. 4
Start collecting your knuts, sickles and galleons to turn in to Gringotts Bank. The more you collect, the higher chance your class has to win the HOUSE CUP!
Each class will have a cauldron near their grade hallways, labeled with that class name for collecting money.
- Classes only compete against their fellow grade level.
- A class adds to the Gringotts’ account points by adding pennies, bills, checks (made payable to Hudson PTO) or online donation to their own class cauldrons.
- A class can put a hex on other class’ totals by adding silver coins (nickels, dimes, quarters, and half dollars) to other class cauldrons.
- Each cent is worth one point when adding or subtracting.
- The top 3 classes from each 3rd, 4th and 5th grades will receive a class gift!
BONUS!! If you bring in coins already rolled, you will receive a +25 point bonus on pennies, and a -25 bonus hex on nickels, dimes, and quarters!
For example: an already-rolled roll of pennies will equal +75 points for your class (instead of +50), while an already-rolled roll of quarters will equal a -1,025 point hex for another class (instead of a -1,000 point hex).
Check the PTO website and the class Facebook pages to find out who might take home the East Woods House Cup and to find out what special spells are being put on the class points for the following day!
We cannot accept foreign currency.
Your participation and the funds raised help support programs benefiting all East Woods students, including Right to Read Week, field trips, Hoedown and Bon Voyage.
Questions? Please contact Kyla Rollins.