Ellsworth Hill “Fun Mums” Fundraiser
We are so excited that this year Ellsworth Hill will be the only building offering fall mums for sale as a fundraiser! So ask your friends, neighbors and post online! These beautiful fall plants will be available with or without holiday planters. Students may share the online website, www.fundraiseit.org and their ID number found on their order form (ordering instructions), or collect orders on the order form.
- All checks should be made out to: HUDSON PTO
- Order forms are due no later than SEPTEMBER 25th
- ORDERS NEED TO BE PICKED UP AT ELLSWORTH HILL ON OCTOBER 11th between parent pick up and 7pm.
For questions. please contact Sara Bennett Lerner with questions.
If you’d rather make a donation instead of purchasing products, please choose a payment method below:
Paper Form donation: Click Here
Online donation:
Please remember to enter the school you wish your online donation to go to after you’re redirected back to the Hudson PTO donation screen.
We are looking forward to a great year!
Thank you for supporting HUDSON PTO & our Ellsworth Students!