
Ellsworth Hill PTO Unfundraiser

We are raising money and you don’t have to sell a thing! 

100% of donations given directly support our school and provide the following opportunities:

  • Meals for staff
  • Right to Read Week literary celebration
  • Winter Wonderland class parties
  • Drive-in movie night
  • End of year carnival
  • Field trip transportation

New this year: Class rewards!

School-wide earning levels:

  • If we raise $2,500, all students will earn Dessert at Lunch
  • If we raise $5,000, all students will earn Glow Dance Party in Music
  • If we raise $7,500, all students will earn Dough Day in Art
  • If we raise $10,000, all students will earn Scavenger Hunt in Library
  • If we raise $15,000, all students will earn Inflatable Obstacle Course in PE

Select the option that works best for your family:

$25: Thanks for saving me from a Costco run to buy snacks for teachers

$50: Probably won’t remember to scan Box Top receipts, so let’s call it even

$75: Thrilled we don’t have to hit up our family, friends, and neighbors to buy anything

$__: Delighted to support fun activities for students and staff at Ellsworth Hill!

  The last day to donate to the Unfundraiser is September 30.