EWIS Drive-In Movie Night
Now Showing: The Addams Family (2019) and Nightmare Before Christmas
Friday, November 13
Midway Drive-In (2736 OH-59, Ravenna, OH 44266)
$30 per car, includes the food pass to bring in your own food
Gates open at 5:30 pm – Event begins at 6 pm, Double Feature will show after the first movie
Come enjoy a socially distanced night at the movies! Cars will be parked 6 feet apart and families can enjoy the movie from the comfort of your vehicle. There will be a double feature playing also! The cost includes a food pass so you can bring snacks or dinner. Concessions will also be sold by Midway if you’d rather buy when you get there!
Registration maximum is 155 cars, so sign up soon!
*Number of people per car depends on number of seats in the car (not dictated by the drive-in)
Please note that you will not receive any tickets. We will have names of everyone who registered at the gate.
Questions? Contact Beth Bhatia at beth.bhatia@gmail.com.