REGISTRATION & WAITLIST FULL for Halloween Window Painting
Please understand that at 300 registrations, all available windows are full. Thus, waitlisted students will only be placed if we have a cancellation. Waitlist requests will be placed in the order in which they were received.
• Submit artwork to their school – High School Main Office, Middle School Resource Center, East Woods Intermediate Art Teacher.
• Artwork shall be submitted in full color on 8 1⁄2 x 11 unlined white paper in a portrait format.
Important: Include Name(s), grade(s), email(s), and phone number of artists on back. Please write very neatly as we need to be able to read it. Please highlight the name of the registered student for window placement purposes.
• Artwork must be family friendly Halloween/Autumn designs. Inappropriate artwork will not be accepted. You do not need to be a talented artist to participate, as we love to have a variety of art on display but please do your best work. The business owners are very kind to allow us to use their windows and we want them to look amazing. Digital photos and very messy/rushed artwork will be returned.
Please note:
- This event falls on a long weekend.
- Event date is determined by Merchants Trick-or-Treat on Oct. 26.
- Painting will take place on Saturday and Sunday, no exceptions.
- Due to the high demand, limited windows, and the window assignment process, placing siblings together is not an option this year.
- Payment is online only.
Window Assignments and detailed painting instructions will be communicated via email on Oct. 19. View the painting instructions in advance here. One parent/chaperone must be present during the entire event.
Presented by
Email questions to Susan Dukes