
Right to Read Week at Ellsworth Hill: March 20-24

Ellsworth Hill PTO presents author and illustrator Troy Cummings for Right to Read Week 2023.

Monday, March 20
Explore(r) U Day or Hudson spirit wear
• Empathetic Contributor

Tuesday, March 21
Troy Tuesday
• Wear Mr. Cummings’ favorite color (blue) or his favorite team (Pacers) or his favorite animal (ducks or stegosaurus)

Wednesday, March 22
Neon Day
• Wear bright clothes to keep the monsters away

Thursday, March 23
Pajama and Flashlight Day
• Wear your comfy pajamas and bring a flashlight to continue reading your favorite stories

Friday, March 24
Mismatched socks and Minute to Win It with Mrs. Filomena:
• Bring in your signed reading log for a chance to go up an compete in a game

Book signing at the Learned Owl:  Troy will sign March 22 from 4-6 pm. Stop by and say hi!